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Wellness at work



The workplace is known to be a stressful and demanding environment. As an employer or employee, much can be gained by offering a regular yoga program at the office.


There are many possible benefits:

In a global manner, yoga can enhance both physical and mental health. It helps to increase flexibility, better one's posture, firm up muscle tone through targeted exercises, is recommended for helping alleviate back, neck and shoulder pain which are very often linked to poor seated posture in the workplace.


Practicing yoga will help with concentration, to better manage stress and anxiety, thus increasing productivity.



This type of activity provides for a moment of serenity and relaxation in an otherwise busy and hectic day. A moment of "well-being" that unites cross-functional teams irrespective of their role within the company.

fitness, sport and healthy lifestyle concept - group of people with personal trainer doing yoga exer

We privilege the lyengar approach. We work on standing poses, poses off the ground and supported poses. The goal is to allow you to progress at your own rate through asanas (poses) that are adapted to you through the use of blocs, chairs, etc. Certain poses are static (where you hold the pose) and others are dynamic.

This approach leads to many benefits such as development of mobility, lessening of tension, strengthening, calming effects and stress reduction. Objectives are tailored for each session depending on your preferred requirements. 

Yoga at Home

Recent research credits a regular yoga practice with more than blissful zen and a buff bod— but it turns out that getting downward dog also makes us better human beings! A study published in the Journal of Holistic Nursing found that just 2 hours of yoga, per week makes us kinder, more patient, and just happier people to be around.


Here are eight ways that yoga makes us nicer, kinder, and more self-aware…



"What we think, we become"

- Buddha

fitness, sport and healthy lifestyle concept - group of people with personal trainer doing yoga exer

“Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.”

- B.K.S. Iyengar


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